NRPxxA/AN | Fox Valley Metrology NRPxxA/AN | Fox Valley Metrology Skip to main content


The R&S®NRPxxA/AN average power sensors are ideal for EMC applications, focusing on average power. They offer a wide measurement range, including lower frequency bands down to 8 kHz, and feature three-path diode power sensors with a dynamic range of up to 93 dB, minimal modulation influence, and excellent impedance matching.

NRPxxA/AN Features

Key Facts

  • Frequency range: 8 kHz to 18 GHz
  • Specially designed for EMC applications
  • Measurement of continuous average power
  • 93 dB dynamic range for CW and modulated signals


  • Frequency Range: 8 kHz to 18 GHz
  • Level Range: -70 dBm to +23 dBm
