Jane Curran, Author at Fox Valley Metrology
Jane Curran, Author at Fox Valley Metrology Jane Curran, Author at Fox Valley Metrology Skip to main content

Everyone was ready to “Battle” at the 16th Annual Battle on Bago in our very own backyard on Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Some came for the fishing, some came for the food, and some showed up to have a good time with live music and the all-American Friday night fish fry.

Come one come all

Over 8,000 anglers participated throughout the two-day fishing tournament. Anglers came from 24 states with the furthest participant traveling all the way from Anchorage, Alaska to fish his first “Battle”. Other anglers have made it a tradition to participate in the annual tournament and usually have some newbies along to join in on the tradition.

Battle on Bgo

There is no I in team

The Fox Valley Metrology “Weigh Team”, consisting of around 50 FVM employee’s worked both Friday and Saturday as over 5,600 fish hit the scales! This year, Perch and White Bass made up most of the volume for the tournament. A new record of $345,000 prizes was given away with strong support from sponsors including Crescent Electric, Michaels Corp, Mercury Marine, Jiffy, and our very own Fox Valley Metrology.

Big winnings

Adam Geiser, of Chilton, took home a $50,000 Lund Boat with the 400th heaviest fish of the tournament – a 1.564-pound white bass. Mike Hostettler, of Stockbridge, brought a 1.260-pound white bass to the scales to win a $60,000 Ford F150 from Sondalle Motors. Brothers Bryce and Brady Rennert from the Pickett, WI area both took home $10,000 cash prizes. The heaviest fish of the tournament was a 7.358-pound walleye brought in by Oshkosh resident, Toan Nguyen and was rewarded with a YETI Cooler.

Mark your calendar

Next stop for the Fox Valley Metrology Weigh in Team – Battle on Bago Summer Edition which will be held Father’s Day Weekend, June 17th and 18th, 2023.